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Bali – Day One

The second week in March I went to Bali!
Bali has never been somewhere I ever wanted to go as I’m not an Islands, Sun and Beach type of girl (I’m a Europe, history type of girl)
Let me tell you it was an experience and a half!
We flew Jetstar. Never again, I don’t care how cheap the flights are, we got to Bali at around 11.30pm and had to wait on the plane for atleast 40minutes because they didn’t have anywhere to pull the plane up to the side of the airport (There’s probably a technical term for that but I don’t know it!) It was hot and we were tired so it wasn’t a very nice start to the trip.
Thankfully my partners parents who had been before knew the low down as alot of people didn’t know you had to pay to actually get into the country (I still think it’s crazy!)
So finally we get out of the airport, it was late and it was still bloody hot and humid.
Finally we got to our hotel the Kumala Pantai which I do recommend to anyone going to Bali.

DAY1BThe Lobby of The Kumala Pantai

Day One.
We ventured out into the streets, I was amazed by the amount of motorbikes everywhere and soon learned that there are essentially NO road rules over there! Petrol is also stored in old alcohol bottles, offerings are everywhere and so are people trying to get you into their shops.
It was a bit overwhelming on the first day but we soon got used to it.
Don’t eat the street food, you’ll probably get sick!DAY1C DAY1D DAY1E DAY1G DAY1H DAY1I

That afternoon after I returned to the hotel and laid down on the cool marble floor in the room to cool, (I don’t deal with the heat too well!) my partner ventured to the poolside bar we then went out of the city to Echo Beach for dinner and I got to see my first Rice Fields (I was excited lol).
It was a day with many firsts as I tried Lobster for the first time ever that night, it was quite nice!
day1arvo day1arvob day1arvoc

My Partner and his Bintang, sellers like those pictured here were everywhere at Echo Beach.day1arvod

Lobster!!day1arvoe day1arvof
Temples at the beach.day1arvog day1arvoh day1arvoi day2
A bike with a family of five on it!… Insane I know!

Here are some beautiful pictures from my photography page of Day one…

bali1 bali2 bali3 bali4

Stay tuned for the rest of the trip….

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